Monday, December 5, 2016

The Amazing Guy Fawkes

The Amazing Guy Fawkes

At nine o'clock on Saturday, I was going to go see the Guy Fawkes in town at the BNZ bank. I was going to see my auntie, uncle and my cousins Jahzel and Carter.

It was 8:30 when I left home to go see the Guy Fawkes. My Mum wanted to leave earlier so we could find a good carpark before they all are taken. But my Dad picked Me and my Brother up from after school care too late, and we had to have a shower before we left because my Mum didn’t want us to look grubby and messy in front of the family.

We finally Made it to the BNZ bank where my auntie works. She was inside by the door waiting for us to come in. I came running up ahead of my Brother and my Mum. I was so excited like crazy. I couldn’t wait to see my cousins. Especially Carter. He’s only a baby and is almost one.

As soon as I got comfortable and settled in, it started. The first one was the biggest out of all of them. It was the starting off one. It was a bright, shiny and gold one and it was my favourite out of all of them. My cousin Jahzel was trying to look for the heart shaped ones but there were only like three or four. There’s normally more than three or four, there’s like about ten. There was a big one which was the last and ending one. The fireworks weren't that long, they were only five minutes long.

Then it was time to go. On the way home I fell asleep because it was about 9:00, way past my bedtime. The Guy Fawkes night was so cool I wish they did it every night.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Moment In Time About Usain Bolt

I Won The Gold Medal!

I am at the Rio stadium. I just won another gold medal for Jamaica in the 100metre sprint.

I feel so tired and sleepy.Sleepy like a sleepy slippery slimy slithering sloth dragging a box to the other side of the world. Everyone in the crowd is shouting “Usain Bolt,  Usain Bolt,  Usain Bolt  YYYAAAYYY.”

I am thinking in my head “I may be the fastest man in the Olympics or maybe the whole entire world, but what about my team mates? Will they be alright without me since that is my latest and last run ever.” No more olympics, Running and racing, just spending time with my family.

Wait. But before I leave, I could take some selfies with my fans. I can see the guy at the counter grab the microphone. He shouts out to the crowd “if you want a selfie with Usain Bolt, just come down onto the track and come take your selfie. If you do want a selfie, don’t muck about because Usain Bolt may be gone by the time you want your selfie taken.”
The crowd came running straight for me. The workers started to move everything out of the way. It’s like everyone that was watching the sprint wanted a selfie.
As soon as everything was moved and it was all clear everyone ran as fast as they can to get their picture first so they can leave first and early. It was like watching my very own race but more people.

The first person to take their selfie Was a boy that looked like a teenager and his name was Jonathan. He gave me his phone to me to hold for the photo. We both said my name,  Usain Bolt. Chick Chick. The first photo was taken. “Thank-you so much. It was an honor being the first one to take it with you. Bye”

What a great race.I Won The Gold Medal!

I am at the Rio stadium. I just won another gold medal for Jamaica in the 100metre sprint.

I feel so tired and sleepy.Sleepy like a sleepy slippery slimy slithering sloth dragging a box to the other side of the world. Everyone in the crowd is shouting “Usain Bolt,  Usain Bolt,  Usain Bolt  YYYAAAYYY.”

I am thinking in my head “I may be the fastest man in the Olympics or maybe the whole entire world, but what about my team mates? Will they be alright without me since that is my latest and last run ever.” No more olympics, Running and racing, just spending time with my family.

Wait. But before I leave, I could take some selfies with my fans. I can see the guy at the counter grab the microphone. He shouts out to the crowd “if you want a selfie with Usain Bolt, just come down onto the track and come take your selfie. If you do want a selfie, don’t muck about because Usain Bolt may be gone by the time you want your selfie taken.”
The crowd came running straight for me. The workers started to move everything out of the way. It’s like everyone that was watching the sprint wanted a selfie.
As soon as everything was moved and it was all clear everyone ran as fast as they can to get their picture first so they can leave first and early. It was like watching my very own race but more people.

The first person to take their selfie Was a boy that looked like a teenager and his name was Jonathan. He gave me his phone to me to hold for the photo. We both said my name,  Usain Bolt. Chick Chick. The first photo was taken. The boy said good bye and left.

What a great race!!